Before going to the main topic, I shall write down a small thing.
On 17th of September, I was coming to the 3rd floor of my department building in the elevator (Lift). One side of the lift is a huge mirror. On that mirror, I found some dirt. On inspection, I realised that it was the oil from someone's head - when that someone had leaned back on the mirror and had rested his head there.
Well, nothing to do with me. I just left it.
(The mirror is in the picture below -- the ghost like person is none but -- yours truly ;) )
After two days, in the lift, I saw the same thing. Then I realised that the cleaning people haven't cleaned it yet. So, it was 19th of September. I just wanted to know how long will it be there.
On that oily patch, I wrote "19" with my finger - so that the date will stay there every day and I'll not have to keep a count of it. (This theory simply is wrong - I have to keep the count in my mind.)
Anyway, the point is that I made a mark "19" on it.
And that is still there -- today being 23rd of October -- meaning, it is/was there for one month and 6 days. I don't know what are these cleaning people doing!
Well, coming back to the title. If I am not very much mistaken, I started my German course in October 2006, that is to say, I have been doing German courses for the past two years. And yes, I am enjoying the fruits of it. I am able to express myself better, I don't feel like an illiterate anymore, I can slightly flirt, my confidence has been boosted big time, I started a German blog etc. etc.
Again it is another October. Yes, on 22nd of October 2008, I have started to go for a French course (beginner's level). The first class was not bad at all. This course is offered in the university and the teacher was really very sweet and wonderful.
Once I learn French too, then it will be the 6th language in my collection. Well, I almost never speak in Hindi for my accent is good enough to make any hindi-loving person have a broken heart! ;) .. but I count Hindi, as I can understand/read/write Hindi and also speak actually *well* with the wonderful mallu-accent!
Even though I fluently speak Tamil, I am an illiterate if you consider my writing/reading skills. Still, I do count Tamil! :)
Other languages being Malayalam, English and German. Not bad for a *young* fellow like me right? ;)
Give me another two years and then you'll see me speaking a little bit (very little bit) of Spanish as well... which is in the list of languages to be learned. :)
Signing off, Sands.
PS: The other day, I told my dad that my German has improved by leaps and bounds. Then he asked me - "So, Tamil or German -- which one is more easy for you?". I said, "of course Tamil". Then he laughed.. and said - "Ha ha .... now, I know how much your German must have leaped".
With a single sentence, he managed to crush my pride... by saying both my Tamil and German are bad! :( :( :(
Smart fellow, isn't he? ;)