7 March 2009

Catch a fish, Throw a ball

A very harsh self critic – I have been like that most of my life. I do boast/brag in front of others, but for myself, I always have/had set a real high bar (which I don’t happen to reach that often)

One thing I never thought I am, is a good observer. (In simple words: I never thought that I was a good observer ;) ) Especially, when I look at some of my friends, I find myself to be the worst observer I’ve ever known.

But, finally, I think I am improving in the game. I am seeing and observing things much more than I have done earlier. Perhaps my brain is growing? developing? ;)

booksSo, I decided to go for a walk in Munich – just to look around things. Even otherwise, walking in city is one of the best things I like. It is like an Energising thing for me – to walk through the main streets, the city centre and look at the crowd, float among them, go slow, go fast, look and smile at people… and finally enter a cafe and have a coffee, read a few pages from a book -  definitely one of the best things in life. 

I did it today. After realising that a sweet girl had taken over my duty at the library, I took the walk which I had been fancying for the past couple of days. From the library, I walked aimlessly (well, not really – as I was heading to the bookshop at the other corner of the main-city)

While enjoying the walk and observing the crowd, I decided to pick my books for the month. I usually buy 2 new books every month and try to read them (but I end up reading some other book) and the new ones always end up in the “To Be Read” pile.

I made a mental note that, this time I am going to take some book which is definitely NOT on Math/Philo/Physics. My next choice was…. hmm… yeah “Parenting” ;)

fly_kitesI know, I am not going to have a kid for another couple of years, but let me read it now itself. Or else, I’d not have time to do it when the time comes! (I am actually NOT a fan of parenting books and the book I took was not really the parenting kind of book. It’s more like “tricks of the  parenting trade”)

proof1ay9The book is “Catch a fish, Throw a ball, Fly a kite – 21 timeless skills every child should know”. So, not really parenting right? It’s just for the kid in me! ;) .. the kid which I am! :)

Hmm.. what a turn of things. From being harsh critic, I wandered through topics and reached the kid in me! :(

Signing off, Sands.

PS : About buying more books that I can read, have this small quote.

Buying more books than one can read is only the soul's reaching out for better and bigger things, and it is just this reaching that helps to raise us above the beasts.


Arun said...

parenting-nice change of theme. you never know what useful you might pick up there. maybe be you can also find something which we can use while parenting our 'godson' :-)

A Liberated Soul said...

Nice quote and yes you are a good observer. I don't know about others ;)

Anonymous said...

Bad in Observation!!

If we can translate "Vayanottam" as 'Observation' then the statement definitely goes wrong.. :P

And, I envy you for your reading habits..


Bindhu Unny said...

Reclaiming the inner child! :-)

Sands | കരിങ്കല്ല് said...

@Arun! ;) I shall lend you the book when 'that' need arises! ;)

@Soul :) Thanks! But how can we be sure that your observation is right?

:) :)
That is specialised observations skill. We don't count it as general 'observation' ;)

:) :D :) .. maybe!

Anonymous said...

That small quote has got a big meaning..loved it.. :)