30 January 2008

Wow, that feels good

Just came from the algorithm class - probably the last one in this semester. I had wanted to get some feedback forms and get it done by the students. I know that they like me.. but just wanted to get some points on which I can improve.

For the first time, I really feel exhausted after a class. Today it was a marathon session - which covered Fibonacci series, Complexity analysis, Trees, Sorting, Logarithm details etc etc. We just discussed stuff, revised some parts.

I can't say that it was very organized or anything. One thing I've noticed is that in my classes, I tend to give real-life example - including the coin-sorting at Shabarimala to the Chess-playing in Harry-Potter. Lot of real life stuff - I am so surprised that I am able to invent very decent real-life examples when I need to explain something. And I feel wonderful about it. :)

Anyway, I am sure that I will be a really good teacher. Just that I am confused - which is the best age-group to teach? :).

When I came in the morning, I was not at all in a good mood - after realizing that I made tea with some milk which was slightly spoiled, I left to uni. Then at uni, I found that the coffee-machine was being cleaned - no coffee either. Then I went to the class - but now I am full of energy - at the same time exhausted. Is it possible? I think, yes!

My dear reader(s), that's all for now.

Lately, my research is lagging a little bit - for many reasons. Time to catch up.

Signing off, Sands.

PS: Can't leave without telling this much - MACINTOSH SUCKS (BIG TIME)

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